About us


The Congregation of the Sisters of Emmanuel is quite indigenous and was founded in 1989, in the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a, in Kenya, under the guidance/Supervision of Archbishop Kairo, the then Bishop of Murang’a. The aim of the congregation was to perpetuate and carry forward the work hat the missionaries had started. The missionaries were moving to new frontiers that had not been evangelized and their numbers had greatly reduced in the Diocese. 


The mission of the Congregation is to work alongside other agents of evangelization in deepening the faith and holistic development of the people, our target group being the family.


Properly evangelized and empowered people living in dignity.


The Charism of the Sisters of Emmanuel is to manifest the Love and Compassion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as Emmanuel, God with us.


The Spirituality of the Sisters of Emmanuel borrows greatly from the theology of Emmanuel- It is a Spirituality originating from the experience of: Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, the Shepherds at the Manger; the Wise men and the Manger. To the Manger, they all brought offerings of their life and from the Manger, they carried with them the richness of Emmanuel to their people. In so doing, the Sisters of Emmanuel find a lot to take along with them to Jesus at the Holy Tabernacle, spending moments of prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament of the Tabernacle and moving out from the Tabernacle to serve Jesus, the Emmanuel, within their own ministries, always striving to be “something good to whoever they meet in needy situations.”